“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
One day, during the Covid pandemic, I was in the garden when a Rohingya man stopped at the front gate asking if I had any gardening work for him to do, as he was a grass cutter. When I told him I had no work for him, he looked sad and told me he had had no income lately. I gave him some food, and he shed some tears and left.
As believers in Jesus, we are encouraged to notice and care about the needs of others. After meeting this Rohingya man, I decided to start an online literacy lesson for other Rohingya people so they can learn English and, if they want, hear stories about Isa al-Masih and his love for them.
One of our students, Jamal, has attended for almost a year and shows eagerness to learn. We prayed for him and his wife when she was sick. Jamal used to show great interest in the Isa al-Masih stories but has recently been more hesitant. Please pray for Jamal and his family– for the Holy Spirit to be at work in his family, revealing Himself to them.
- Pray for the Rohingya people who hear stories of Isa al-Masih– that they may experience God’s love for them.
- Pray for those sharing with the Rohingya– that their Rohingya friends may experience divine encounters.
- Pray for more people to be motivated to care about the needs of the Rohingya.